I'm trying to create a new node using Drupal 7 + Services 3. The node type is 'activity_photo' has an image field, and a reference to a node. This is what I'm posting to the service

 "target_id":"x (1273)"

The response is status 200:


My error log shows the following:

Notice: Undefined index: display_field in file_field_widget_value()

Warning: end() [function.end]: Passed variable is not an array or object in file_managed_file_validate()

Notice: Undefined index: nid in _node_resource_create()

Any help on how to proceed?

1 Answer 1


In the end I changed the entity reference field to select list and posted like this:


also, I found my own modules was implementing hook_form_alter for this form, and this had further complications to be addressed to get it to work. So any hook_form_alter is something to remember when looking for similar problems.

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