I just noticed that @Berdir was so nice to remove db_affected_rows
from Drupal 7. I'm now wondering what the best practice is now to detect if the query you ran changed anything in the database.
A typical usecase would be to.
if (!db_affected_rows()) {
I took a look at the query object returned from db_query, but it didn't seem like much help.
I see I was a bit unclear as to what circumstances I needed the info.
My current use case, is a quite simple one. I have a table for a node type with a nid column and some data columns. I have a form an upon submitting the form, I want to either insert or update the row in the db.
The problem with db_update
is that, if I use update first, and insert if update returns 0, I wont catch the condition, where the form was submitted with the value in the db. If I use db_insert first, that will raise en error if there already is a row in the db.
I suppose I in this specific condition could insert a blank value when the node is created and then only use update, but for some cases that might not be possible, if I needed to store info that was keyed to an external database. I would also like to avoid having to depend on database values for my code to function.
My usual strategy for such cases, has been to do a
db_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO ...")
if (!db_affected_rows()) {
db_query("UPDATE ...");
Doing this is both simple and error free no matter what condition the db is in. The best option I can see right now, would be to handle it with SQL and do this:
But I was hoping that the db API would be able to handle this.