
how do i find where is drush installed? its currently on drush 6 and looking to update it to drush 7 for drupal 8. Whats an easy way to find where its installed and update it?

1 Answer 1


Use which drush to get the installation path of Drush on CentOS:

cat which drush | grep SCRIPT_PATH -m1

which drush will return the path to the drush shell script, which is a readable text file. The SCRIPT_PATH variable in this shell script contains a path to the drush.php file. In the directory, other than this file rest are the files of drush library.


cat `which drush` | grep SCRIPT_PATH -m1

To upgrade a drush check this: https://www.drupal.org/node/901828
Also check this one (including comments): https://www.drupal.org/node/1248790

Installing Drush On Any Linux Based Server Out There
Install Drush on CentOS (with H-Sphere)

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