I have some taxonomy vocabularies that are used on different content types (blog posts, images, businesses etc.).
I want to create a main page for each content type listing, and filter those listings by taxonomy terms, creating multiple aliased pages.
For example:
- main blog page listing all blog posts and some related blocks @ /blog
- blog sub-pages for each vocabulary/term listing blog posts with that term @ /blog/vocabulary/term
- main page listing all businesses @ /activities
- activities sub-pages for each vocabulary/term applied to the businesses @activies/vocabulary/term
The problem I am having is to have aliases and metatags set automatically using the taxonomy data.
I would like "content-type/vocabulary/term" (not "vocabulary/term/content-type"), and to still be able to use "vocabulary/term" (default Views or Panels taxonomy term templates) as general pages listing all content types.
Is this possibile?