Using Drupal 7 Views > Contextual Filter, how can I filter on taxonomy term but only match one field on the node, where two fields (primary and secondary) both use the same vocabulary? I have a vocabulary "Category" and I have organization nodes that can reference a category in either a Primary or Secondary field. The concept is that organizations can primarily serve one topic of interest but can secondarily serve others.
I thought I had great, early success, but on closer inspection, the term is matching against both fields (like taxonomy ought). I have had no luck in setting up only the primary field as the contextual filter for a term name, nor have I been able to first filter on taxonomy and then filter on the primary field.
What am I missing here?
Edit: Hmmm.. I wonder if it's because content fields in Views maybe match on "value" and category fields present themselves as "tid"?
Note: I don't think this is the same as Drupal 7 views contextual filters taxonomy name 2 fields using same vocabulary but I do love the way that one was titled!