I am using the LoginToBoggan module to enrich the account functionalities. In its settings there is a Set password field; when it's not checked anonymous users can't choose their passwords in registration form but they can receive verification emails.
I need both functionalities: email verification and set the password field in registration form. I found the User registration password module which allow users to choose password in the registration form.
The problem is when I create a new account. The user can login with the chosen password, but I need they first verify their email.
So the process must be like this:
- Anonymous users register and choose their password in the registration form
- They receive a verification email
- They click on the link given in the email to activate the account
The problems I have now are the following.
- Users can log in after registration, even if they didn't click on the link sent via email
- The link in the email is a kind of reset password link and not a link to verify the email link
Is there a possibility to fix this and allow users to choose their password in registration even if they still to verify the email they use for the site?