Is it possible to create a restaurant(multi-store) online delivery system using Drupal commerce and OG? It has multiple stores(restaurants) in different locations which can be manageable by individual restaurant admins. The super-admin also have full control over all restaurants- can create products for each restaurants.

We have up to 40 restaurants and each restaurants have different products(food items). Each restaurant admin need to add/update own products and own store addresses, delevery time, etc

I have checked with Commerce Marketplace and seems difficult to implement.

Please share your valuable thoughts.

2 Answers 2


I am currently working on a similar project and I am using commerce marketplace. Had faced some issues, but overall it was a smooth journey using marketplace. Also, it is not difficult to implement.


Another approach, which I use for a multi-restaurant installation, is an alternative version - commerce marketplace by maciej.zgadzaj.

Module package providing overrides for default Drupal Commerce behaviors allowing to use DC-based stores to create multiple-merchant marketplace (like Etsy, Amazon, etc).

Admin creates all the stores (restaurants). Then each store has its own products i.e. food items. I believe this version fits better with drupal commerce. Make sure each store's products have unique SKU's.

For a guide on use cases and installation, see Commerce Marketplace: Installation and use cases. Just make sure you pull the latest version from git.

From your answer, I believe you are using the other version.

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