By default the navigation in books is an unordered list:

  • Vegetables
    • Carrots
    • Tomatoes
  • Fruits
    • Apples

Is there any way to make it an ordered list?

  1. Vegetables

    1.1. Carrots

    1.2. Tomatoes

  2. Fruits

    2.1. Apples

1 Answer 1


It is possible manually. Suppose you have a book entitled "Tutorial". inside it you have created 3 book pages entitled : "Installing", "Configuring", "Running". When the book is dispalyed the 3 pages will be ordered starting with the most recent enter image description here

To reorder the book, edit the book first and choose outline in the tabs enter image description here

In that screen, click on the link "reorder an entire book". The result wil be the following: enter image description here Click on the link "edit order and titles" to access the interface where you can reorder the pages enter image description here Use the + icons on the left of pages to reorder thje book. I hope this will help.

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