I have a "gender" (checkbox) option that I want to show on the user profile page (but not on the registration page). The options are "Male" (default) and "Female". Since I don't make the field required it is showing the "N/A" option. Drupal does this by design.

If I make the field required the "N/A" option will go away but then it will automatically show on the registration page which I don't want.

I was trying to hide it with CSS but I cannot see a way to just hide that checkbox and "N/A" text:

<div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-field-gender-und">
<input id="edit-field-gender-und-none" class="form-radio" type="radio" value="_none" name="field_gender[und]">
<label class="option" for="edit-field-gender-und-none">N/A </label>
<div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-field-gender-und">
<input id="edit-field-gender-und-0" class="form-radio" type="radio" checked="checked" value="0" name="field_gender[und]">
<label class="option" for="edit-field-gender-und-0">Male </label>
<div class="form-item form-type-radio form-item-field-gender-und">
<input id="edit-field-gender-und-1" class="form-radio" type="radio" value="1" name="field_gender[und]">
<label class="option" for="edit-field-gender-und-1">Female </label>

Help! ;-)

6 Answers 6


You can use jQuery to accomplish this

  • I haven't used jQuery yet. Isn't it the same as adding this CSS: .edit-field-gender-und-none { display: none; } this doesn't seem to do anything
    – uwe
    Commented Oct 18, 2011 at 14:16
  • 1
    Here is a great write up on using JS in Drupal 7. drupal.org/node/756722 Specifically here is how you would implement (function ($) { $("#edit-field-gender-und-none").remove(); }(jQuery));
    – Hansyg
    Commented Oct 19, 2011 at 17:35
  • Is there any REAL way to do this? Doing it after the fact with css or javascript means that there is a small chance for it to be visible as the javascript is loading and executing. Commented Aug 5, 2012 at 20:28
  • Please don't do this. See kenorb's suggestion below. Commented Dec 11, 2017 at 18:06

I think a better way to acheive this would be to write a simple form_alter hook and unset() the option you don want from your field.

function YOURMOD_form_YOURFORM_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

in the example above, the field is a taxonomy reference field on an entity edit form, so there is the extra ['und'] - it doesnt have to be there under all ocasions. You may want to dpm($form) first, to see the structure of the form.

  • 1
    You really shouldn't hard code 'und' in there if you can avoid it. And if you must do it, use the constant LANGUAGE_NONE instead.
    – rooby
    Commented Apr 24, 2013 at 12:47
  • Works, but then I get the Notice: Use of undefined constant _none - assumed '_none' in MYMODULE_form_NODE_ID_form_alter()
    – leymannx
    Commented Dec 3, 2013 at 14:23
  • This doesn't work in D7 for fields api. Commented Dec 11, 2017 at 18:05

Another quick solution is to have Drupal add a form-disabled class to the N/A form-item by adding the following function to your template.php file.

function <theme_name>_form_element($variables) {
  $element = $variables['element'];
  // Disable radio button N/A
  if ($element['#type'] == 'radio' && $element['#return_value'] === '_none') {
    $variables['element']['#attributes']['disabled'] = TRUE;
  return theme_form_element($variables);

Then you can use CSS to do

.form-radios .form-disabled {
  display: none;

In Drupal 7 try the following code:

 * Implements hook_element_info_alter().
function MODULENAME_element_info_alter(&$type) {
  $type['radios']['#process'][] = '_remove_radio_na';
  $type['select']['#process'][] = '_remove_radio_na';

 * Removes the '_none' option from a form element.
function _remove_radio_na($element) {
  return $element;

Make sure you clear caches, otherwise it won't work.

This is a better way than hiding results with CSS or JS/jQuery as empty values are removed before the output.


I do this:



One of the interesting Features of Drupal 7 is the Field API. Prior to Drupal 6, to make a custom field the Core Profile Module and Content Profile Modules are used. Now in Drupal 7 we can make any custom field to appear in User Registration Form. When Adding Custom Fields Such as Gender usually we use Radio Button Input. However there is a small Problem with the core module as it displays the third option N/A in the input. To Remove the N/A option the field needs to be set as mandatory. To Remove this option there is another way. Go to modules/field/modules/options/options.module and comment the the code $properties['empty_option'] = ‘option_none’ as shown below under buttons.

case ‘buttons’:
$properties = array(
‘filter_xss’ => TRUE,
// Add a ‘none’ option for non-required radio buttons.
if (!$required && !$multiple) {
//$properties['empty_option'] = ‘option_none’; 

case ‘onoff’:
$properties = array(
‘filter_xss’ => TRUE,

However the proper way to achieve it would be to override this function in custom module. But for a quick fix we can also follow this method. [blog]: http://yamafm.wordpress.com/ "click here for updates"

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