I have created my own custom views filter handler which works perfectly with a simple textfield for the value form. However, I am unable to add autocomplete to that textfield (ie: the blue circle denoting autocomplete doesn't show up in the textfield and in the page source, autocomplete is not mentioned for that element).
What am I missing? Does Views re-write my value form somewhere as implied in Making text fields autocomplete in views exposed filters and if so, how do I plug into the after build within a custom filter handler class? (The question linked to involved altering an existing exposed form as opposed to creating a custom filter which I am.)
NOTE: I am using Drupal 7 and Views 3.
My Code
Here is my custom filter class:
* The Germplasm Genotyped views filter handler class (autocomplete textfield).
class views_handler_filter_germplasm_genotyped_name extends views_handler_filter_string {
* So that the value form is not inherited.
function value_form (&$form, &$form_state) {
$form['value'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => $this->value,
'#autocomplete' => 'tripal_ajax/nd_genotypes/genotyped_germplasm/name_to_id/Phaseolus/only'
I've defined my autocomplete in hook_menu():
// Name autocomplete (display only the preferred organism -in path).
$items['tripal_ajax/nd_genotypes/genotyped_germplasm/name_to_id/%/only'] = array(
'page callback' => 'nd_genotypes_germplasm_name_to_id_callback',
'page arguments' => array(4, FALSE),
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
And created my callback:
function nd_genotypes_germplasm_name_to_id_callback($organism_genus, $all_organisms, $string) {
$matches = array();
// custom table select
$query = db_select('nd_genotype_germplasm', 'g')
->fields('g', array('name', 'genus'))
->condition('g.name', '%' . db_like($string) . '%', 'LIKE')
->condition('g.genus', $organism_genus, '=')
$result = $query->execute();
foreach ($result as $row) {
$key = $row->name;
if (!$all_organisms) {
$matches[$key] = $row->name;
else {
$matches[$key] = format_string(
'@genus: @name',
'@genus' => check_plain($row->genus),
'@name' => check_plain($row->name),
Testing I've done
I have tested the autocomplete callback directly by entering the path in my browser (ie: tripal_ajax/nd_genotypes/genotyped_germplasm/name_to_id/Cicer/only/CDC where "CDC" is the $string) and it works perfectly. By that I means it returns a json array outside my drupal theme with the elements I expect:
"CDC Xena 454 DNA Extraction": "CDC Xena 454 DNA Extraction",
"CDC Frontier 454 DNA Extraction": "CDC Frontier 454 DNA Extraction"
But as I said, my exposed fitler textfield in my view doesn't have autocomplete functionality. I know my value form is being executed because I can dpm() from within the handler and see it in my view, #autocomplete and all. However, when I look at the page source I see a plain textfield input with no autocomplete mentioned.
Note: Working autocomplete fields seem to have the class "form-autocomplete" on the input tag and an addition hidden input with the callback path and class "autocomplete autocomplete-processed".