I'm running a multilingual site in two languages: English (default) and French.
I have a Vocabulary with the Translation Mode set to Localize. Everything was working fine until I added some new terms in English. I then used the translate interface to add French translations for these terms.
I have a term reference field that has the same value across all languages. When I set this value on the English node edit page, it works. When I switch over to the French node edit page, the value has defaulted to the first term in the list and the recently-added terms don't even appear.
I've tried refreshing the strings through the translate interface, flushing all caches, and running cron but nothing can get these new terms to appear in the French node edit form, and the values refuse to stick for any language except for English.
How can I refresh this Localized vocabulary so that the terms are the same for both languages?
I've made an album on imgur that hopefully gives a better idea of what's going on: https://i.sstatic.net/uoGhD.jpg