If I have created a specific CiviCRM API entity/action for a project, can I then add that API to the Webform CiviCRM integration module so that I can use the API in the Webform? And how would I do that?
Purely out of interest, has something changed in the CiviCRM website/docs recently to point people here to ask questions? We welcome them, of course, I was just wondering why we seem to have had an influx of them in the last week or so :)– Clive ♦Commented Nov 5, 2014 at 9:53
I think the site proposal for CiviCRM has generated a lot of interest in SE among the Civi community.– ColemanCommented Nov 5, 2014 at 14:57
You might want to put a few more specifics in your question about what API you want to add, and how you want to use it in the webform (since there are a lot of APIs and a lot of ways in which they could be used!)– michaelmcandrewCommented Nov 5, 2014 at 16:00
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1 Answer
I found this old link for plans to add arbitrary api calls to the module, but it doesn't appear to have ever been implemented: http://forum.civicrm.org/index.php?topic=22304.0
But it appears that I could use hook _webform_submission_presave to execute the api call when the webform is submitted.