I wish to use phpFlickr 3rd-party php library in developing my own custom module.
I considered Libraries API to centrally manage phpFlickr in sites/all/libraries
but have some questions:
What happens if there are other contrib modules that also use phpFlickr and manage it through Libraries API? If my module registers phpFlickr with Libraries API then would there not be a duplicate entry with Libraries API? Does it know if more than one module wants to use it?
In general, how can I check for a minimum version of a library? with hook_libraries_info() a regular expression can be used to find the version, but there doesn't seem to be an explanation as to how to check for a minimum version.
I've already looked at the documentation for Libraries API and found it to be insufficient regarding examples ( https://www.drupal.org/node/1342238 ). I also looked at a page stating contrib modules that apparently used Libraries API ( https://www.drupal.org/node/1570568 ) but when I examined the code, it didn't seem to be the case, i.e. in the twitter module, I looked for "_libraries_info" but could not find it.