Faced with a strange situation: if a View uses filter "Post date" (or similar) with an offset (eg, "> = -1 month"), this View won't cache.
Example: I create a simple View with Block display.
- Field: "Content: Title"
- Caching: "Time-based | 1 hour/1 hour"
- Block caching: "Cache once for everything (global)"
Of course, global setting "Cache blocks" is on.
If I place this block on a page, it is cached properly.
I want to filter nodes for a certain period of time. I add filter with an offset from the current time: "Content: Post date (>= -1 month)". And this block will no longer be cached! Every time I load a page with this block, there is a new call to the database ("SELECT node.title AS node_title ..."). In addition, the table "cache_views_data" is filling with multiple records like "my_view:block_1:results:1a2s3d4d" and "my_view:block_1:output:m0n9b8v7".
How could I force caching of this block to work?