I'm running Drupal 7.34 with quite a few modules (relevant because unfortunately I did not notice when the problem first started and it would take ages to look through them all one by one) and I have some quite strange behaviour. Whenever I try to fill in an autocomplete text field, manually check for updates or do anything else that involves AJAX really, I get an error message with the HTTP Response Code 200 and the response text is actually the HTML of the user profile page. One exception to this is in a custom module I wrote which uses callbacks, and strangely when the callback is outputted any persistent messages (i.e operating in maintenance mode) are also displayed in the same place. I have tried disabling and deleting this module but it did not change anything.
Also, I suspect it could be related that my messages log is filled with warnings saying:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/site.com/public_html/includes/common.inc:2725) in drupal_goto() (line 697 of /home/site.com/public_html/includes/common.inc).
Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this?
at the line 697 of common.inc, launch the AJAX request and refresh the page. Maybe the devel message won't be rendered when the user profil page is generated. If you can't get the trace to be displayed with dpm(), you'll need to save the array returned by debug_backtrace() somewhere in a log file with watchdog() or error_log().0 => array ( 'file' => '/home/site.com/public_html/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()\'d code', 'line' => 18, 'function' => 'drupal_goto', 'args' => array ( 0 => 'user', ), ), 1 => array ( 'file' => '/home/site.com/public_html/modules/php/php.module', 'line' => 80, 'function' => 'eval', ), 2 => array ( 'file' => '/home/site.com/public_html/modules/filter/filter.module', 'line' => 799, 'function' => 'php_eval', 'args' => array ( 0 => '<?php