When there is a need to call a function inside a module, some of you say- it is good to use module_invoke() inside the template pages to call the function(it looks great-since I can pass arguments too).

Using Drupal 7. So for the first time, it is okay. Even for the second time, it makes a bit extra effort in the code, but somehow I can manage it.

Now it is invoking again and again, the same module. Say if the module is block, and the function is hook_block_view()- I doubt, it could affect the Drupal site performance(the time for loading the page contents), what do you think? Is there a solution for this problem?

  $header_block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', '2');
  print drupal_render($header_block);
  $news_block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', '3');
  print drupal_render($news_block);
  $footer_block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', '12');
  print drupal_render($footer_block);
  • Is it a good idea to use the module_invoke() every time when I have to call hook_block_view() with different arguments?
  • Is there any other function that can be used for calling the same function or any other function in the module after one- module_invoke()?
  • Is there any other way of doing thing?

1 Answer 1


You're calling the same function over and over, that's true. But the parameters are different, so from a pure programming point of view, the processing could be completely different. I don't see another option to approach this.

  • Is it a good idea to use the module_invoke() every time when I have to call hook_block_view() with different arguments? Yes
  • Is there any other function that can be used for calling the same function or any other function in the module after one- module_invoke()? Not that I'm aware of
  • Is there any other way of doing thing? I don't think so

More specifc, some functions allow passing an array of arguments instead of one. Eg node_load_multiple allows to pass 1 nid or whole list of nids. But hook_block_views doesn't allow this.

  • @Marten: Thank you for your time on this answer. How good is the call for invoking a module every time(when it is already invoked)? But leave the pure programming concepts, just basics. When I started using functions(procedures), it helped me to avoid the repeated lines of code with just a function call. And there should be a function for all such functionalities. Now if this answer is correct, then Drupal really lacks it. Commented Jan 18, 2015 at 12:39

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