I've got a problem with feeds importer. I've created a custom field type, and added a field with this field type to my content. If I try to import data via feeds importer, in mapping, this field is missing. Do I have to tell my custom field type that it is useable within feeds-importer?
1 Answer
You might need to create a target for your custom field type with the help of hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter and here is a code sample for doing so:
function MYMODULE_feeds_processor_targets_alter(&$targets, $entity_type, $bundle_name)
foreach (field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle_name) as $name => $instance)
$info = field_info_field($name);
if ($info['type']=='MYFIELDTYPE1')
//The callback for this field type goes here.
if ($info['type']=='MYFIELDTYPE2')
//The callback for this field type goes here.
//Add cases for each field type here
if (isset($callback))
$targets[$name] =array(
'callback' => $callback,
'description' => t('The @label field of the node.', array('@label' => $instance['label'])),