I want to be able to set specific permissions by role for the use of the Personal Contact Form.

Searching drupal.org shows a few modules to work with Contact forms, but none do what I am looking to do, so I'm wondering if I'm overlooking something simple.

What I would like to do:

Role A

  • Can have own Personal Contact form BUT it is only available to other Authenticated Users
  • Can access and use Personal Contact form for any other user (Role A or Role B)

Role B

  • Can have own Personal Contact form available to Anonymous AND Authenticated Users
  • Can access and use Personal Contact form for any other user (Role A or Role B)

Anonymous Users

  • Can only access Personal Contact Form for Role B Users, NOT Role A Users.

The idea is that Role B Users have the privilege of allowing the public / anonymous users to contact them via the Personal Contact Form, but all Authenticated Users should be able to contact each other using the form.

Should I do this with the Webform module? Or is there some permission setting for the Personal Contact Form I am missing?

I don't want it to be binary (either you have a Personal Contact Form or you don't), but I want some types of users to be able to access some other users Personal Contact Form.

1 Answer 1


I would do this using hook_form_alter.

Set up your roles, then create a function using hook_form_alter that checks if it's building the contact form or not. If building the contact form, check the current user's role, and either redirect to a 403 or allow it to go through.

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