Once solved this issue: How to define settings from an install profile

I would like to skip the Error Message I get on first load of the application:

Message d'erreur
Les permissions d'accès au contenu doivent être reconstruites. Reconstruire les permissions.

To do so, I've created a task to perform the function node_access_rebuild(FALSE);

function genius_install_tasks(&$install_state) {
  $tasks['genius_settings'] = array(
      'display' => FALSE,
      'type' => 'batch',

  $tasks['link_taxonomy_menu'] = array(
      'display' => FALSE,
      'type' => 'batch',

  $tasks['rebuild_permissions'] = array(
      'display' => FALSE,
      'type' => 'batch',

  return $tasks;


But it seems to don't be enough.In fact, I set a message that I can't see, so I think this task maybe is not being perform.

function rebuild_permissions() {
    // Rebuild permissions
    // This message is set at the end of the node_access_rebuild
    // Keep here to ensure this task has been made
    drupal_set_message(t('Content permissions have been rebuilt.'));


I am going to try to change the type of the task to normal. EDIT: This change doesn't solve the problem

Mindwhile, appreciate reader, do you have any advice to do the rebuild permissions at the end of the installation correctly?

Thanks for the reading.

1 Answer 1


Finally it seems as it is done from the hook_install.

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