I have installed the Examples for Developers module, and enabled the Field Example submodule. It creates a new field type called field_example_rgb
I've added this field to a new content type. I'm trying to set and/or display the value of the field using Rules - to no avail. Rules does not "see" the field in the node.
I've tried adding a file called field_example.rules.inc that implements hook_rules_data_info(), still without luck. Can someone please help me figure out how to make the field visible to Rules?
This is the code of the hook_rules_data_info()
function field_example_rules_data_info() {
return array(
'field_example_rgb' => array (
'label' => t('example color rgb'),
'wrap' => TRUE,
'property info' => array(
'rgb' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'label' => 'RGB',