So I am theming a View with a template in my theme folder.

I am getting this error message:

"Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in include()"

This is the code:

<?php print ($fields["title"]->content); ?>

I've tried adding an IF statement like below (is my syntax correct???) and clearing the cache but the issue persists:

<?php if ($fields["title"]->content) { print ($fields["title"]->content); } ?>

P.S. the field is printing, it's just that there is an error message displayed in addition.

Also, by the way, I am using views-view-fields.tpl.php

1 Answer 1


You need to use isset() to avoid such notices:

<?php if (isset($fields["title"])) { print ($fields["title"]->content); } ?>
  • Hi, thanks. I have applied this line but the error persists. I actually already tried this but just didn't mention in my post. Anything else I can try?
    – caustic
    Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 2:34
  • Oops. Made a small edit because the notice would still occur when there is no key 'title' in the $fields array.
    – montaigne
    Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 2:36
  • Hmm... i still get the error? I'm using: <?php if (isset($fields["title"])) { print ($fields["title"]->content); } ?>
    – caustic
    Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 2:39
  • When checking /admin/reports/dblog, Am getting Undefined offset: 1include() in node template file. this is the mentioned line in node tpl file. $selected_l2 = strip_tags($all_breadcrumb['breadcrumb']['1']);
    – steniya
    Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 7:44

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