I am using Drupal 7, with the Services module. I have the REST API enabled.

I have successfully done a user.login, and have retrieved the session id and session name, and then constructed the Cookie from same. I can successfully get a list of ALL nodes using this:

curl -i -X GET \
  -H Cookie:SESS02cbaaadbeeef=Dw8dsijhd9usdkjlb4Plsz_dipuJumGww \
  -H Accept:application/json \

How do I get the list of nodes of a specific type? Eg, nodes of type=forum ?

I tried

curl -i -X GET \
  -H Cookie:SESS02cbaaadbeeef=Dw8dsijhd9usdkjlb4Plsz_dipuJumGww \
  -H Accept:application/json \

But that gave me the same list of all nodes.

Edit. this is what worked for me:

curl -i -X GET \
  -H Cookie:SESS02cbaaadbeeef=Dw8dsijhd9usdkjlb4Plsz_dipuJumGww \
  -H Accept:application/json \

Thanks to burnsjeremy.

1 Answer 1


Services 3.x

You would use the parameters like this: http://localhost/endpoint/node?parameters[type]=node_type

You can find out more how to use this by looking in the code (going off memory here): File: services/resources/node_resource.inc function: _node_resource_index

  • THANK YOU! Worked perfectly. There is a need for more examples in the docs. I will read the code you suggested.
    – Cheeso
    Commented Mar 16, 2015 at 18:32

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