I'm working on a production site that is using Media-7.x-2.0-unstable6, File entity-7.x-2.0-unstable6, and Wysiwyg-7.x-2.2 (with the CKEditor library installed). This is fine for inserting images into content types that have an image field, but I am attempting to upgrade Media to a more recent version that allows for WYSIWYG integration and insertion of images and other media directly into the body field.
I updated a local copy of the site to Media-7.x-2.0-alpha4 and File entity-7.x-2.0-beta1. Clicking on the "Add media" CKEditor button brings up the media browser in the normal way. Selecting an image and clicking on the "Submit" button brings up the "Embedding [filename]" dialog, but clicking on the "Submit" button does nothing. The firebug console shows TypeError: CKEDITOR.instances[this.field] is undefined
in line 244 of /sites/all/modules/wysiwyg/editors/js/ckeditor-3.0.js
(i.e. return CKEDITOR.instances[this.field].getData();
I then disabled Wysiwyg and installed CKEditor-7.x-1.16. I still see the same behavior ("Submit" button does nothing), but now the JavaScript error is TypeError: Drupal.wysiwyg is undefined
in line 45 of /sites/all/modules/media/modules/media_wysiwyg/js/media_wysiwyg.format_form.js
(i.e. if (Drupal.wysiwyg.instances[field.key]) {
I have disabled almost all contrib modules (except for those required by media and file_entity, and a few other innocuous ones that are required by some of the content fields), and the problem persists.
Since Media-7.x-2.0-alpha4, File entity-7.x-2.0-beta1, and CKEditor-7.x-1.16 on a Drupal 7 clean install work fine in my hands, I have a sneaky feeling that there may be cruft in the database that is screwing things up. However, my JavaScript is on the weak side, and I have no clue how Drupal and JavaScript interact, so I'm not sure where to even begin looking for the problem. Any hints on how I can solve this issue? (short of doing a complete rebuild of the site, which might not be a bad idea, actually...)
Thanks in advance!