I have a content type called Movie, it has a node reference to a content type called LeadActor. The LeadActor content type can have node references of its own back to several different Movies nodes.
When I have a page that displays the full content of a Movie, I've changed the node template to have a link to the LeadActor.
When a user uses the link to LeadActor from a Movie page, is there anyway for me to know what Movie the user came from when I'm on the LeadActor page?
I've thought about adding an extra argument to the LeadActor page link - the node id to the Movie, but I was wondering if there might be a cleaner way to handle this.
I'm using Drupal 7 and the node reference (references) module. I've also tried using the corresponding node references module - but so far I haven't been able to understand if this will work.
Thanks for your help.