
I'm dealing with an old D6 Ubercart site that uses UC Coupon & UC Free Order to enable free orders for users with a certain role when they enter free order code. I'm masquerading as one these users but I'm finding it won't pick up on coupon code when I enter it. It gives me the "Warning: Coupon does not exist or is not valid." error.

I'm thinking it might be a quirk with how masquerade works. It looks like my account address book entries are showing up in Billing Information despite masquerading as another user.

1 Answer 1


Instead of using masquerade, you could use drush uli [%uid]

It gives you a clean login to the site, which you could open in an incognito mode on a browser, removing all other cookies. This will allow you to debug without feeling that other modules are interrupting.

Bonus: add --uri=[%site-base-uri] to automatically open in your default browser (although not incognito).

  • Thanks! I wasn't aware of that command in drush. That helped me pinpoint the problem (it was related to a specific role check on the coupon).
    – Shawn Conn
    Commented Apr 11, 2015 at 16:20

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