I want to use Drush vset to modify a subset of values stored in the 'variable' table's theme_themeName_settings record.

I've found references to vget and vset but all I've found so far is for the entire complex-variable.

Any help would be appreciated.

1 Answer 1


Drush does not support modifying elements inside a complex variable directly. You could instead use php-eval to do this:

$ drush php-eval '$v = variable_get("theme_themeName_settings"); $v["key"] = "value"; variable_set("theme_themeName_settings", $v);'
  • Hey Greg. Thank you very much for your post. It does do what I asked for. What I trying for is to create php code I can put into a php script that reads the vget result into a array(?), test values, set other values depending on the results of the test. I can get your suggestion to run in a script but can’t access the $v variable in any other php command. I suspect that the php-eval statement is “atomic.” Is there a way do get access to it? Thanks again. --- Mike
    – Mike
    Commented Apr 29, 2015 at 19:37
  • If you need to do that, and you still want to use Drush, it is time to learn how to write your own drush commands. Commented Apr 29, 2015 at 19:41
  • Yes, your best bet is writing a Drush command. See drupal.org/project/drushify. Halfway in between php-eval and a full Drush command is the Drush php-script command, which will run a sequence of php commands from a file. A full Drush command will allow you to pass arguments and options, in addition to that. Commented Apr 29, 2015 at 21:19

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