To my knowledge there is no solution to create such kind of view using the Views module. But the Forena module (disclosure: I'm a co-maintainer) can be used for this type of reporting. More specifically by using its facility to create a Display of a table in crosstab format.
A crosstab table is a table with a special layout. It is formatted as a grid, with:
- the rows representing one or more (combinations of) facts, such as countries or regions, names of persons (or users) like employees / salespeople (or user IDs / user names), etc.
- the columns representing one or more other facts, such as periods (months of a year, years, etc), available types/flavors of something (like types of errors), etc.
- the intersections of rows and columns containing the actual information (data), such as summarized information (counts of something), timestamps, etc. and which might (optionally) include a hyperlink to a drill-down report.
Below is a sample of such crosstab report (including drilldown links also, i.e. the numbers in red in it):
Refer to my comment in the Forena issue queue for more details about the above screenshot. And/or have a look at the video about How to generate crosstab reports with graphs (Forena also supports charting of those data, a typical related requirement ...).