I am looking for an alternative solution to the way my form is being submitted right now. The problem is that the validation function does not work because I gave the submit button on the form an attribute of onclick=return(false)
and added the following AJAX code to listen for the submit button being pressed.
jQuery("#edit-submit-order").click(function() {
var orderForm = jQuery("#order-form-form").serialize();
var orderTable = JSON.stringify(hot.getData());
var extraOrderTable = JSON.stringify(hot2.getData());
var formType = jQuery("input:radio[name=form-type]:checked").val();
type : "POST",
url : '/sites/all/modules/order_form/post-order.php',
data : orderForm + "&orderTable=" + orderTable + "&extraOrderTable=" + extraOrderTable + "&formType=" + formType + "&orderTotal=" + parseFloat(updatePricing()).toFixed(2).replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,'),
success : function(result) {
if (result) {
//jQuery("#order-form-form").html("<div class='success'>Submitted Order Form Successfully</div>");
} else {
jQuery(".message").html("<div class='error'>" + result.message + "</div>");
The orderTable
and extraOrderTable
are the elements I need to send with the POST request. They are part of an HTML table I am using called Hands on Table. It is a very nice excel like table editor. The getData()
command returns an array of all values in the tables.
Ideally I would like to remove the onclick=return(false)
from my submit button and have the order form submit using Drupal's AJAX method, making sure to validate the fields I marked as required but also submitting the table data in a single POST request. Can this be done or is the solution I have already made the best way to do it?