I am using Open Outreach. When I create an article the image I uploaded appears on the home page, but does not appear when I click the link for that article.
From what I've read, it looks like it has something to do with Configuration/Media/File System. My public file system path is set as sites/openoutreach-7-x-1-19.dd/files. Do I need to change this? If so, what do I change it to?
Log message:
Type page not found Date Thursday, June 4, 2015 - 9:43am User admin Location http://openoutreach-7-x-1-19.dd:8083/sites/openoutreach-7-x-1-19.dd/files/styles/medium_large/public/Portulaca%20grandiflora.jpg?itok=OP-6w24x Referrer http://openoutreach-7-x-1-19.dd:8083/article/june-3-2015-newsletter Message sites/openoutreach-7-x-1-19.dd/files/styles/medium_large/public/Portulaca grandiflora.jpg Severity warning Hostname
There is no medium_large folder in my styles folder. Do I need to create one?