I am selling some monthly basis services like website hosting. And I like to get prepaid payment for every month. So, how do I send email to my clients for notification by email to give payment for coming recurring date?
For example - A client purchase a digital service from our website in 5th of Jan. Next recurring payment date should be 5th Feb. So, I like to send recurring payment reminder before 15 days, then before 10 days (if not paid), then before 5 days (if not paid), then in the recurring date i.e. in 5th Feb.
I have install drupal 7, commerce recurring framework module, rules, rules scheduler. Currently I am stuck with how to send periodic email to my client for recurring date, after they have initially pay for the services?
Is this module is perfect for this - https://www.drupal.org/project/datereminder. I think this module - https://www.drupal.org/project/uc_recurring is not sending email reminders. Specially I am looking for email reminders which will work with commerce recurring framework.
So, how can I do this?