I'm in the process of building a form to add new ServiceDesk requests. Below is the process.

  1. Create a webform

  2. Write a submit handler function to Create work order (according to ServiceDesk api, form data need to be submitted to http://machine_name:Port_Number/servlets/RequestServlet and a response in xml format displays "Success" message along with the WorkOrder ID. )

  3. Display success or error message on the form results page.

Work I have done so far:

  1. Created a webform

  2. Wrote a submit handler function to Create work order (I tested and I'm able to add ServiceDesk requests). As the xml file with success/error message is shown on a different server (http://machine_name:Port_Number/servlets/RequestServlet), I'm unable to print the success/error message on the form confirmation page.

Please can anyone tell me how to display this info?


  • What you are using for printing message? or Have you used webform default message after submission get succesfull?
    – Viraj
    Commented Jun 15, 2015 at 6:26


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