I'm attempting to use a "registration code" entered during a user's registration to create an entity reference to a node with a corresponding code.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Specific use case:

"Professor" (users) have "Classes" (nodes) that contain a text-field with a unique 5-digit code (created with Computed Field).

"Students" have a "Registration Code" field on their registration & user profile page (aka a text field on the user entity) for manually entering a 5-digit code that should "assign" them to a "Class" that has the same registration code.

I'm not a programmer, but this might make more sense:

if [Student user's 5-digit registration code] = ["Class" node's 5-digit registration code] then an entity reference is created between [student user] and ["class" node]

I'd like the rule to trigger when a user updates the registration code field.

Essentially, I'm attempting to avoid displaying Entity Reference's autocomplete widget to users.

1 Answer 1


I don't think I would start with Rules, especially from a performance standpoint. I would first try something like this:

  • in the Student content type, create an Entity Reference field for the reference, making sure it has a default value, say 0 for ease of access later
  • Using Field Permissions, hide that field to everyone but admin

The Field Permissions module allows site administrators to set field-level permissions to edit, view and create fields on any entity.

  • create a custom module

  • using hook_node_validate(), check the list of Classes for the existence of the correct code

  • using hook_node_presave(), update the hidden reference field once it is validated

Now you have something that allows the Student to enter a value, have it validated, and then copy that value into a proper reference field for later use


I was curious if I was correct in my initial answer, so I figured it out to check, and it worked - for this example:

  • Create a content type Class, using the title field as the Class Code

  • Create a content type Student

  • Add field to Student content type: field_student_class_code, entity reference to Class content type

  • use Field Permissions to hide field_student_class_code to everyone but Admin

  • Add field to Student content type: field_student_visible_class_code, text field

  • Create a new module called custom_node_reference, and include this code:

    function custom_node_reference_node_validate($node, $form, &$form_state)
      if($node->type == 'student')
        $lang = $form['field_student_visible_class_code']['#language'];
        $class_value = check_plain($form['field_student_visible_class_code'][$lang][0]['value']['#value']);
        $result = db_select('node', 'table_alias')
            ->condition('type', 'class', '=')
            ->condition('title', $class_value, '=')
        if($result->rowCount() <= 0) 
          form_set_error('field_student_visible_class_code', 'That class code does not exist, please re-enter a valid class code');
    function custom_node_reference_node_presave($node)
      if($node->type == 'student')
        $lang = $node->language;
        // get entity_id for current class code
        $val = db_select('node', 'n')
          ->fields('n', array('nid'))
          ->condition('type', 'class', '=')
          ->condition('title', $node->field_student_visible_class_code[$lang][0]['value'], '=')
          $node->field_student_class_code[$lang][0]['target_id'] = $val;

If you change the machine names of the fields, you will need to adjust the code to suit

  • Thanks for the quick reply, Geoff! I don't know php and have yet to delve into even simple custom modules and hooks, but this looks like it might be a good project for me to try to tackle while learning. Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 19:31
  • @user2461917 see my edit...
    – Geoff
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 21:58
  • Wow! Thank you! I never would have figured that out. I hope this answer helps someone else as well. Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 22:36

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