I'm trying to call a jQuery function from a link's onClick attribute but I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Drupal.behaviors.main.test is not a function.

I created a simple module that will create a block displaying a list of events. The block template will output the following HTML code:

<ul id="events">
    <li><a href="#" onclick="Drupal.behaviors.main.test(1)">Event1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#" onclick="Drupal.behaviors.main.test(2)">Event2</a></li>

Each link has a onClick attribute calling Drupal.behaviors.main.test($id).

On my theme's info file, I include a test.js file with the following code:

(function ($) {
    Drupal.behaviors.main = {

        attach: function(context, settings) {

            $(function test() {

             //init slick


When the document is ready, slick plugin is well initialized and test() is called so I get 'yo' on the console. It's when I click the links that I get the error, so I'm thinking about a scope problem since the function is called from a module but is defined on my theme. Does anyone have any idea?

Thanks in advance!

--EDIT-- Thank to rémy, I managed to resolve my issue, here's what I did: My block outputs the following HTML:

<ul id="events">
        <a href="#" id="1" class="whatever">Event1</a>
        <a href="#" id="2" class="whatever">Event2</a>

And on my test.js file:

(function ($) {
    Drupal.behaviors.main = {

        attach: function(context, settings) {

            $('.whatever').click(function() {

             //init slick


1 Answer 1


use an id on your anchors, no onclick:

<li><a href="#" id="whatever">Event2</a></li>

then use the click event on it in the behavoir:

(function ($) {
    Drupal.behaviors.someClicks = {
        attach: function(context, settings) {
            $('#whatever').click(function() {
  • Thank you rémy! Edited my question with working corrections!
    – acanana
    Commented Jun 18, 2015 at 19:45

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