Drupal 7
I have a view that sorts on three fields so the ORDER BY statement looks like: ORDER BY
node_status ASC, field_data_field_date_field_date_value DESC, field_data_field_sort_order_field_sort_order_value ASC
I need the sort of the date field to not be granular to the time. I just want it sorted by the date so that the sort order field will take it from there. When I run the query against the database itself, I see that the date field returned is showing the full value like: 2016-06-19 08:48:12, but some of the values are different by a second, causing the "incorrect" (not the desired) sort order.
How can I get it to sort on the date field (date field module) without the "full date" field?
EDIT: (adding screen shot of view)