I'm having a bit of difficulty creating a view to show me a user's manager.
The user entity has a User Reference field, called Manager. This is populated with, well, the user's manager (through an autocomplete widget, if it matters).
I'm trying write a view that will output the user's manager name.
The view I have outputs the field User:Name
The relationship is User:Manager
The contextual filter is giving me a problem. If I leave this blank, I get the current user, and his manager. If I set this to just about anything that makes sense (User: UID, for example), there's no output.
Ultimately, a visitor to the site may be viewing a user's profile, with a link to the user's manager's profile.
Edit: I assume I need to use a contextual filter, as this will end up on a user's profile view, as part of a panel.
The field is a "User Reference" - http://drupal.org/project/references
Ideally, I would like to be able to do the reverse as well. If I look at a manager's profile, it would list his/her subordinates.
Thanks ..