I have a view with navigation set to paged, 12 items. I can see 12 items (there are way more available), but no pager. Googling this problem I found the following solutions that didn't work:
View uses Global: PHP fields (my view doesn't do that)
View is displayed in a block (my view is displayed in a page)
Changing pager id (tried everything from 0 to 5, also, this is the only pager on this page)
It's also not a styling issue, the pager is not in the markup. I didn't override any templates related to the view.
In other views, the pager works and I can also see it in the views preview. In this view, I can't even see it in the preview - this should prove that it's not a theming issue as well, am I right?
I tried displaying a "more" link, but that didn't work as well. Changing the navigation to "mini pager" also doesn't help.
The view is using a relationship to an entity reference, but that shouldn't be an issue IMO. Other than that it's a pretty ordinary view displaying some fields. Anyone have any ideas?
(Drupal 7, Views 3)