I have a Drupal website with a content type (Article) which has a taxonomy term reference field (Topic) for the Topics vocabulary.

The Article path aliases, based on the taxonomy term are, for example, the following one.

  • /books/100-days-around-the-world
  • /culture/chinese-and-medicine

The content type has also an image field (Image). I want to style the main image for the articles classified under books differently; I want the image to have greater height than width.

The only way I could think to achieve that is creating a new view for it. I tried to create it, but it only rendered the first article of books. The following screenshot shows the view settings.


The real problem is that I don't know a view that renders the article content page. When I contacted the theme author], for previous modification requests, I was told to use the node--article.tpl.php template file. So I have only two ways:

  1. Create a view that renders articles as I described earlier
  2. Write code in the node--article.tpl.php template file that conditionally set a style for the image field when the article topic term is books

I don't know how to get what I need using the two approaches.


2 Answers 2


Method 1. Use a node preprocessor

Add this to your theme's template.php, then clear the cache:

function THEMENAME_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
  // This only applies to content type 'article' in teaser view.
  if ($variables['node']->type == 'article' && $variables['view_mode'] == 'teaser') {
     // Find out if node has at least one tag and an image.
     if (isset($variables['content']['field_tags']) && isset($variables['content']['field_image'])) {
      // Map tags to style names.
      $settings = array(
        'apple' => 'medium', 
        'banana' => 'large',
      // Build an array of tag names.
      $tags = array();
      foreach ($variables['content']['field_tags'] as $k => $v) {
        if (is_int($k)) {
          $tags[] = $v['#title'];
      // For each mapping, check if the tag exists in the $tags array; 
      // if yes, apply the style.
      foreach ($settings as $tag => $style_name) {
        if (in_array($tag, $tags)) {
          $variables['content']['field_image'][0]['#image_style'] = $style_name;

Note that we could also do something similar in node--article.tpl.php, but generally you want to keep code logic out of the template files.

Method 2. Use Rules and Field formatter conditions modules (no coding required!)

The example below will set the image style of field_image to 'thumbnail' in the node's teaser view if field_tags contains a term with an ID of 18.

The Field formatter conditions module an image style to be conditionally set based on the outcome of a rule. It involves creating a rule, then going to Structure > Content types > [content type] > Manage display and adding the condition in the configuration options of your display (in this case the "Teaser" display).

Note: This example only checks for a single term. To compare against more terms, add more "List contains item" conditions, one for each term.

Here is the rule:

enter image description here

Here are the formatter settings:

enter image description here


Simplest way is to add/edit the node--article.tpl.php (don't forget to flush caches after you have). Once you have done this you can vary the output based on the values in the $node object.

Node template API reference

  • The problem, indeed, is not just the render way of an image, the real problem is to access the view or calling the view with an article details page of topic named books!
    – SaidbakR
    Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 22:54
  • I'm not sure I understand. The problem is that you want the article page to show a different style image when displaying a article node tagged as a 'book'? Or you have a problem getting the view to work? Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 22:59
  • Yes it is the first. I want the image with different style when the tag is books.
    – SaidbakR
    Commented Aug 22, 2015 at 1:11

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