I'm trying to build an admin form for a module, using system_settings_form()
I want the users to be able to select sub-options, from a list that is dynamically generated depending on the main option.
For example
$main_options = array('foo','bar');
$sub_options['foo'] = array('foolish','football','foodstuff');
$sub_options['bar'] = array('barley','baroque','barbarian');
$form = array();
$form['main_option'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $main_options,
$form['sub_option'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $sub_options[SOMEHOW USE THE SELECTED VALUE OF main_option AS INDEX],
return system_settings_form($form);
So I would expect sub_option to be unpopulated the first time the form is called, and then populated as soon as the user populates main_option.
Is this possible?
Thanks for the advice re Ajax. I looked up https://www.drupal.org/node/752056 and this is what I've built: here the values in olt_test
need to change based on the value selected for olt_provider
$form['olt_provider'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Provider'),
'#options' => variable_get('providers'),
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'olt_provider_select_callback',
'wrapper' => 'tests-div',
'method' => 'replace',
'effect' => 'fade',
$form['olt_test'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Test'),
'#prefix' => '<div id="tests-div">',
'#options' => array(''),
and in olt_provider_select_callback()
I have
function olt_provider_select_callback($form, $form_state) {
$new_options_value = [new value calculation snipped]
$form['olt_test'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Test'),
'#prefix' => '<div id="tests-div">',
'#options' => $new_options_value,
return $form['olt_test'];
The problem I'm now seeing is that the Ajax only fires on the first time the olt_provider
select box is clicked - subsequent clicks don't fire. Any thoughts?
The problem I'm now seeing is that although the olt_test
dropdown is correctly updated via Ajax, this replacement value is not saved on form submission. Any thoughts?
Final Update - My form is working correctly now. The data was being saved on form submission, but I needed to add some more code to retrieve the saved data and display the default values when the form was loaded.