User is not seeing Confirm Order Page (Express Checkout review and confirm) during PayPal Express checkout.
The EC module defines a new checkout page called Confirm order between the payment redirect and completion pages and a checkout pane called Express Checkout review and confirm that should only be used on this special page.
I am using 7.x-2.3 release of Commerce PayPal module. Testing with PayPal Sandbox accounts.
After logging into PayPal customer sees "continue" button and a message *"You're almost done. You will confirm your payment on **'s Test Store."*. After clicking "continue" customer is brought right to the Order Complete page and the payment is registered in the system. Which is not the intended behavior of PayPal EC module.
These are Order history messages that have been recorded during checkout with PayPal express:
Status has been set to Checkout: Complete (previously: Checkout: Confirm order).
Status has been set to Checkout: Confirm order (previously: Checkout: Payment).
Payment of $62.00 submitted via PayPal Express Checkout.
Order has been paid in full.
Status has been set to Checkout: Payment (previously: Checkout: Review).
Status has been set to Checkout: Review (previously: Checkout: Checkout).
Status has been set to Checkout: Checkout (previously: Shopping cart).
Product sample2 added to the cart.
Order has been created.
QUESTION: What could be the reason of why Express checkout review and confirm page is skipped?