I am in the processes of developing a module. I am trying to incorporate SimpleTest module in order to have a separate place that contains my code tests.

However, when I try to run a query against the tables in the database, which are build by me, I get: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'playground.simpletest311135TABLENAME It tries to find a table simpletest311135TABLENAME while it should look for TABLENAME. It always adds simpletest and some random number.

When I run queries against drupal default tables, like users and sessions, everything works perfect. Any workaround?


2 Answers 2


This behavior is correct. SimpleTest sets up a new site environment for every test case, using a table name prefix.

You probably forgot to install your module by overriding the setUp() method. Once your module is installed the query should work.


I got this error when I failed to call the superclass's tearDown() method. Once I put that back in place, the error went away.

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