I'm working on my first Drupal site.

Using FileViewer I can load a PDF saved in a field, for viewing of various types. I haven't found something that does the same for Word Docs, Excel, etc.

Does anyone know of something that works in Drupal 7 to load documents other than PDF like FileViewer does inside a browser? Or like Scribd does (Scribd is hosted. I am behind a firewall with limited access for users. So I don't want to use a Scribd like service.)

3 Answers 3


It seems that FileViewer has been folded into a module called PDF, which uses JavaScript to render PDF files.

So the next logical question is: How do you render Word docs, like Google Docs? And the answer is: Google Docs Integration module, which lets you show a list of Google docs, but doesn't let you display the documents.

Web searches give up nothing else.

Good luck...


You can use this plugin Embedded Google Docs Viewer

There are steps you should take:

  1. Go to Structure -> Content Types -> YOUR_TYPE -> Manage Fields

  2. Add a new field with type "File"

  3. Go to Manage Display -> YOUR NEW FIELD -> Format and change it to Embedded Google Docs View

    Your content will be displayed in an IFrame.


This question in Stack Overflow might help you: reading-writing-a-ms-word-file-in-php.

Note that that solution talks about a PHP interface to Microsoft office, not a Drupal module.

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