I upgraded Drupal 6 to Drupal 7.
The following updates returned messages:
node module
Update #7006
taxonomy module
Update #7005
search module
Update #7000
I updated the schema_version column of the system table for module above to higher number.
After all the pending update has finished running.
My front page website show error:
PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'base.format' in 'field list': SELECT base.tid AS tid, base.vid AS vid, base.name AS name, base.description AS description, base.format AS format, base.weight AS weight, v.machine_name AS vocabulary_machine_name FROM {taxonomy_term_data} base INNER JOIN {taxonomy_vocabulary} v ON base.vid = v.vid WHERE (base.tid IN (:db_condition_placeholder_0)) ; Array ( [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 6 ) in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 198 of /home/domains/site.com/public_html/includes/entity.inc).
How do I fix it?