Original problem:
I am trying to do a couple of (seemingly) simple things to convert a module I made in Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 (RC1).
First I will note I am using the File Entity module in Drupal 8, which may or may not be stable/complete.
I want to add a tab on a File entity (much like Edit or Archive) that lets me trigger processes, related to the data contained in the file (its a spreadsheet).
So far, I have been able to stumble through getting a route defined and a tab to appear.
path: '/file/{file}/import-data'
_form: '\Drupal\datacenter\Form\ImportDataForm'
_title: 'Import Data'
_permission: 'access content'
_admin_route: TRUE
route_name: entity.file.import_data
title: 'Import Data'
base_route: entity.file.canonical
weight: 3
Well okay. So far so good. Not the most robust thing in the world, but I am still working my way through unfinished docs and such. From here, I have a new tab on a File entity form, right next to Edit.
First, how can I change the permissions to not be access content, but to check access to see if the current user has access to edit the file in question? If I change _permission to _entity_access: file.update (as I have seen in File Entity) the tab vanishes, and direct URL access returns Access Denied (even as user 1). Do I have to implement something extra to make that work?
Second, I don't seem to be receiving the {file} argument or file entity object in my form builder.
Form class:
namespace Drupal\datacenter\Form;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
class ImportDataForm extends FormBase {
* {@inheritdoc}.
public function getFormId() {
return 'datacenter_import_data_form';
* {@inheritdoc}.
public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, FileInterface $file = NULL) {
// fields to be defined
return $form;
// extra code removed
buildForm doesn't have an entity (file) argument. What am I missing? I thought upcasting basically happened if the object ID was in the route (like node, user, etc).
Also, is this even the way to go about it? Basically this screen will do a few things, it will inspect the file object, check to make sure the mime is right, parse the csv or excel data, and read it back on the screen in the form of options. Whatever the user ticks off, will kick off a series of batches. Where would those batch functions go? In this class? In another file? I also see other classes like ContentEntityForm, EntityForm, etc.. which one should I be using?
I have all of this working great in Drupal 7, I am just having trouble getting momentum converting it over and finding what I need.
public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state, FileInterface $file = NULL) {
That will solve at least some of the problems.