By default, if user submit his email in form at /user/password
page, he will recieve an email with one-time login link. After opening this link he is redirected to page with form with one single "login" button - id of this form is user_pass_reset
. After click on this button user is redirected to his profile in administrative part of a site: /user/X/edit
where he can change his password.
But I have my own custom profile page, where users can change their password and I'd like to redirect user here instead of default profile in administration interface. I already found that user
module is checking if old password is needed with this line:
$pass_reset = isset($_SESSION['pass_reset_' . $account->uid]) && isset($_GET['pass-reset-token']) && ($_GET['pass-reset-token'] == $_SESSION['pass_reset_' . $account->uid]);
But I can't find out how to redirect user to my own form on user_pass_reset
submit. If I alter this form and change '#action'
paramter I get a message that says this one-time login link is invalid. If I add my own submit function $form['#submit'][] = 'activit_password_redirect';
and in this function I call drupal_goto('my/own/form/page')
user is still redirected to default profile page.
Is it possible to change url of this form submit?