I am planning to write client apps which connects to Drupal 7. I like to create new users through the app, have come across some literatures but I am not sure if the approach is secure and also whether it considers all possible use-cases.
The first link which I came across is this: https://www.drupal.org/node/1514312
I was able to configure endpoint and successfully post + create user. However, the problem with above approach is, it is not secure because any client app with the POST URL to create user can successfully register a user in the website.
I then followed this link: https://www.drupal.org/node/1871498 through which I created a OAuth authentication context. Below are the configuration details:
OAuth Context:
Context Title: App Name
Signature Method: HMAC-SHA1
The Service configuration:
Endpoint: create_new_user
OAuth Context -> Context created above
Default required authentication -> Consumer key (2 legged OAuth Authentication)
Resources ->
user -> create (Only create in CRUD Operation)
Action ->
user -> request_new_password & register
And I created a new user and provided the following role:
By enabling 2 legged OAuth authentication I make sure that only my authorized app with the consumer key and secret is able to access my endpoint successfully.
Using the following POST request I am able to create user successfully from the REST client:
Post Request URL: http://ExampleWebsiteBase.com/create_new_user/user/register.json
Post Headers:
OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_nonce="kXZ3iOtGqD7f350", oauth_timestamp="1450257992", oauth_consumer_key="Lq7r.........", oauth_signature="htvy........"
Post Body:
"mail":"[email protected]",
I would need confirmation from experts that this configuration is secure and acceptable.
- The user created in this process does not has to verify the email ID. How do I configure the webservice so that the user is not created in backend without verifying the email?
- How do I integrate Social login - Facebook, Twitter and Google for instance?