Overall Goal: Have an email sent whenever a node has not been commented on for a certain amount of time (ex: 1 hour).
Previous Attempt: Have a node become stickied when a comment is posted. Then unsticky the node after a certain amount of time. If a node is not stickied, send an email. This worked for one evaluation time rather than having evaluation over the life of the node.
How it could be done for continuous evaluations:
1. Use the same concept from previous attempt and have nodes stickied when commented on.
2. Have a Rule react on Cron Maintenance that will unsticky any nodes that have the newest comment older than a given time amount.
3. Then have another rule that runs on Cron Maintenance to send emails to a user that is specified within a node's field when said node is not sticky.
My main issue about this is that any Rule that is reacting on Cron Maintenance isn't letting me pull information from the node table.