I'm using Pathauto to produce nice URLs for my Drupal 7 site, and have run into the need to edit the URLs based on a node field value.

Specifically, when the content is archived on my website, the URL needs to be automatically changed to include the substring 'archive'. So when editing this page:


and node:field-status is changed from none to archived, I need the URL to become:


Also, pages that already feature a substring, such as mysite.com/blog/mypage would ideally have the new substring prepended to the relative URL, so:


I have tried using Flags and Rules to rewrite the URL pattern based on the field value, but with no luck. Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


You can build a small module, called myalias and use this code to generate custom alias

function myalias_node_insert($node){
    //here you can access the $node variable and get its fields value  
    $node->path['alias'] = 'your_custom_path';

You can also change the hook to myalias_node_update($node) to alter the node alias once it is updated.


You can use hook_pathauto_pattern_alter(). Something like this should work for a boolean field (untested)...

 * Alter the pattern to be used before an alias is generated by Pathauto.
 * This hook will only be called if a default pattern is configured (on
 * admin/config/search/path/patterns).
 * @param string $pattern
 *   The alias pattern for Pathauto to pass to token_replace() to generate the
 *   URL alias.
 * @param array $context
 *   An associative array of additional options, with the following elements:
 *   - 'module': The module or entity type being aliased.
 *   - 'op': A string with the operation being performed on the object being
 *     aliased. Can be either 'insert', 'update', 'return', or 'bulkupdate'.
 *   - 'source': A string of the source path for the alias (e.g. 'node/1').
 *   - 'data': An array of keyed objects to pass to token_replace().
 *   - 'type': The sub-type or bundle of the object being aliased.
 *   - 'language': A string of the language code for the alias (e.g. 'en').
 *     This can be altered by reference.
function MYMODULE_pathauto_pattern_alter(&$pattern, array $context) {
  // Exit if we don't care about this entity type and bundle.
  if ($context['module'] != 'node' || $context['type'] != 'article') {

  // Exit if the archive field doesn't exist or isn't set.
  $node = $context['data']['node'];
  $items = field_get_items($context['module'], $node, 'FIELDNAME');
  if ($items === FALSE || empty($items[0]['value']) {

  // Modify the pattern.
  // (I'd try to avoid hardcoding any patterns in this code, but rather use
  // variables. These can either be updated programatically or tied to a UI
  // element.)
  $pattern = '...';
  • I'd love to see an answer to this for Drupal 8. I imagine it's similar.
    – Spudley
    Commented Feb 6, 2020 at 17:11

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