I am writing a Behat Scenario that checks that an email generated by the Drupal system under test is sent to the correct recipient but I [could not] capture the mail messages from test_mail_collector. How do I do this?

The code below is essentially my current working version and should work for you ... at least as long as you don't have an anti-spam module interceding ... in which case see the extra code in my answer.

In FeatureContext.php I switch over to the mail system sender test_mail_collector in the @BeforeScenario tagged with @email and revert to the site's original mail system sender in the @AfterScenario tagged with @email.

However, [before I discovered my answer, there were] never any messages in the array returned by \Drupal::state()->get('system.test_mail_collector') when a scenario should generate them,

Here's a typical scenario:

Scenario: Send an email when a user resets her password
Given users:
  | name    | mail           | status |
  | Jo User | [email protected] | 1      |
When I visit "user/password"
And I fill in "name" with "[email protected]" 
When I press the "Submit" button
Then an email should be sent to "[email protected]"

And here are the FeatureContext.php snippets:

*  @Then an email should be sent to :recipient
public function anEmailShouldBeSentTo($recipient)
  // Reset state cache.
  $mails = \Drupal::state()->get('system.test_mail_collector') ?: array();
  $last_mail = end($mails);
  if(!$last_mail) {
    throw new Exception('No mail was sent.');
  if ($last_mail['to'] != $recipient) {
    throw new \Exception("Unexpected recpient: " . $last_mail['to']);
  $this->lastMail = $last_mail;

 *  @BeforeScenario @email
public function beforeEmailScenario(BeforeScenarioScope $scope)
  $this->m_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('mailsystem.settings');
  $this->saved_mailsystem_defaults = $this->m_config->get('defaults'); 
  $this->m_config->set('defaults.sender', 'test_mail_collector')->save();
  \Drupal::state()->set('system.test_mail_collector', array());

 *  @AfterScenario @email 
public function afterEmailScenario(AfterScenarioScope $scope)
  // revert mail system after scenarios agged with @email
  $this->m_config->set('defaults.sender', $this->saved_mailsystem_defaults['sender'])->save();

The website is normally set up to run with swiftmailer enabled but I have tried all the other available mail system formatters and senders - like Default PHP Mailer - without success.

As a kind of "proof of setup" within FeatureContext.php, I can send test messages to the test_mail_collector:

$language_interface = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage();
    ->mail('test', 'test', '[email protected]', $language_interface->getId());

This shows me that the test_mail_collector is working - but messages generated from the website [were] not being collected.


3 Answers 3


Ensure you don't have anti-spam modules installed and doing their job!

The @BeforeScenario and @AfterScenario code in the original question is correct except in the case where you have an anti-spam module that is interfering with a Scenario.

For example, if you've got honeypot installed, ensure that you disable the time_limit setting. time_limit is there to protect the Drupal site against spambots .... and test programs! ... on the assumption that humans can't enter stuff in less than a few seconds whereas bots and test programs do so almost instantaneously.

So, if you, as I did, have honeypot installed, then you will need to temporarily disable time_limit for the duration of the test. For example my @BeforeScenario and @AfterScenario code is now as follows:

   *  @BeforeScenario @email
  public function beforeEmailScenario(BeforeScenarioScope $scope)
    $this->m_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('mailsystem.settings');
    $this->saved_mailsystem_defaults = $this->m_config->get('defaults'); 
      ->set('defaults.sender', 'test_mail_collector')
      ->set('defaults.formatter', 'test_mail_collector')
    // Reset the state variable that holds sent messages.
    \Drupal::state()->set('system.test_mail_collector', array());

    // If we have honeypot installed then ensure that we disable time_limit
    // So that automated tests / bots can run  
    $this->h_config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('honeypot.settings');
    $this->saved_honeypot_time_limit = $this->h_config->get('time_limit');
    if ($this->saved_honeypot_time_limit) {
        ->set('time_limit', '0')

   *  @AfterScenario @email 
  public function afterEmailScenario(AfterScenarioScope $scope)
    // revert mail system after scenarios agged with @email
      ->set('defaults.sender', $this->saved_mailsystem_defaults['sender'])
      ->set('defaults.formatter', $this->saved_mailsystem_defaults['formatter'])

    // Ensure we protect against spambots again if honeypot is installed
    if ($this->saved_honeypot_time_limit) {
        ->set('time_limit', $this->saved_honeypot_time_limit)

If an anti-spam module like honeypot is disabling a test because it detects that the form completion is too fast to be human, consider adding a delay to your test steps.

When I visit "user/password"
And I wait for 2 seconds
And I fill in "name" with "[email protected]" 
And I wait for 1 second
When I press the "Submit" button
Then an email should be sent to "[email protected]"

I suggest this gives a simpler and more realistic test than messing with the anti-spam settings. You'll need to add a step definition something like:

 * @Given /^I wait ([0-9^"]*) seconds$/
public function iWaitSeconds($wait) {
  for ($i = 0; $i < $wait; $i++) {

(Borrowed from http://fuseinteractive.ca/blog/test-wrangling#.VqS6J_mLQYs, also see http://docs.behat.org/en/v2.5/cookbook/using_spin_functions.html)

  • Yes, the wait will be useful in other cases too. Thanks
    – iainH
    Commented Jan 24, 2016 at 12:18

The above configuration did not work for me properly as it failed to swap the mail handler plugin to the test one. According to https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21modules%21system%21src%21Tests%21Mail%21MailTest.php/8.2.x?no_cache=1475753055 the following worked for me

   * Swaps the mailing system settings with a test one.
   * @BeforeScenario @email
  public function beforeEmailScenario() {
    $this->mailConfig = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('system.mail');
    $this->savedMailDefaults = $this->mailConfig->get('interface.default');
    $this->mailConfig->set('interface.default', 'test_mail_collector')->save();
    \Drupal::state()->set('system.test_mail_collector', array());

   * Restores the mailing system settings with the default one.
   * @AfterScenario @email
  public function afterEmailScenario() {
    $this->mailConfig->set('interface.default', $this->savedMailDefaults)->save();

These are only the before and after scenario. The rest are working fine. Also, if you want to use the test plugin to work only for a specific case, you can use 'interface.mail_key' instead replacing the 'mail_key' with the mail key of your module.

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