I have a custom block containing a text field and an image field. I would like to render the block so that the image's URL can be defined as a data attribute of the block's wrapper div so that it can be used by a javascript function to create a parallax background effect behind the text field.
If I make a template file block.parallax.html.twig, I am able to render the image HTML.
{{ content.field_parallax_image.0 }}
However If I try to get the actual image URL, nothing is returned
{{ content.field_parallax_image.0['#url'] }}
If I dump the #item keys
{{ dump(content.field_parallax_image.0['#item']|keys) }}
I am able to get target_id, alt, title, width and height values, but I can't find the URL defined anywhere.
I have also tried to see if I could find anything useful in the block preprocess function but the field_parallax_image #url field in the variables is also empty
function mytheme_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
if( isset($variables['content']['body']['#bundle']) && $variables['content']['body']['#bundle'] == 'parallax'){
$variables['img_url'] = $variables['elements']['content']['field_parallax_image'][0]['#url'];
Is there a way I can get this URL?