I'm using Drupal Commerce. Overall it's working well. I have SSL setup and enforced so users HAVE to use 'https' (via .htaccess). I'm able to test fill out the form and it submits. PayPal gets the payment. We're happy. I get an email telling me a new purchase has been made (via Drupal at site:mail
The issue is, the user also receives an email from Drupal letting them know, you know, thanks for purchasing, etc. However, in the email to the person who purchased the product (in gmail specifically as that's all I've tested with) there is a RED LOCK icon next to their name/email at the top of the email. When hovered over it says 'bluehost.com did not encrypt this message'.
Now, MAYBE it doesn't really matter because i'm not sending them their credit card info back to them or anything, but it does LOOK disconcerting and I'd like it not to be there in their email. So I need their email to be encrypted.
I talked to Bluehost and they said it was an internal linking issue. The only link in the form is their email address that they put in (it's a custom field we setup).
Does anyone know how to encrypt their email address in the form before Drupal sends it to them? Or tokenize it properly perhaps is another approach since site:mail
doesn't have that issue.
Here's the token I'm using to send them the email from Drupal:
Note: I'm using 'Send mail with Variable' action to send this email, if that's worth noting.